Monday, July 11, 2011

PSDS Attends the Office Assumption of the Newly-appointed RG

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Newly-appointed Regional Governor of ARMM, Mujiv S. Hataman called all DepED officials down to school level for a meeting in ORG Complex, Cotabato City.

Monday, June 27, 2011

EPS Jay Visits Pasil ES

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In 2011, Education Program Supervisor, Jayton A. Jama became District Commissioner to Indanan South District. PSDS Hji. Abdulgafor J. Madjaluddin and his PESS Coordinator escorted the commissioner to visit Pasil Elementary School headed by Samoore S. Ladjahali, ESP I.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Firstly-organized SPG Comes from Pasil Elementary School

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The firstly-organized Supreme Pupil Government happened in Pasil Elementary School, Indanan South District in 2011 during the reign of Samoore S. Ladjahali, Principal I of the school. He designated Suharto S. Alpha, Volunteer Teacher as SPG Adviser. 

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

ISD School Administrators Meet With DepEd-ARMM Secretary in CDO

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The Indanan South District school administrators led by the Public Schools District Supervisor, Hji. Abdulgafor J. Madjaluddin met with DepED-ARMM Secretary, Caudang in Cagayan de Oro City in 2011. It was an official call for all school heads in the different divisions of the ARMM to have a special meeting with the DepED-ARMM officials in said city. 

Significant occurence during the conference with Secretary Caudang was the initiation of ATM salary for every personnel of the DepED.

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