Saturday, February 20, 2021

Indanan North and South Plan for a Joint District Meet 2016

Joint District Meet 2016 on October is the priority plan of both Indanan North District headed by District In-Charge, Dr. Garcia B. Paradji, Principal I and Indanan South District led by Samoore S. Ladjahali, Public Schools District Supervisor. The 2 district heads started their scheme while taking coffee in Kid-Kid Coffee Shop, Km. 2, Kajatian, Indanan, Sulu last June 2, 2016. Sir Moore told Sir Gah that the venue of ISD District Meet is Pasil Elementary School Playground unless written consultative communication from the headmen of Barangay Licup would be submitted to the Sports Committee requesting for the conduct of Indanan South District Meet 2016 in Panglima Indanan Central School

Playground. Sir Sam encouraged Sir Gah to at least agree having Selection Meet in preparation for the one delegation of both districts to the forthcoming Sulu Provincial Athletic Associatiom Meet 2016 after ISD conducted its District Meet 2016 at Pasil Elementary School Playground on October 25-27, 2016. Sir Gah preferred more to have a Joint District Meet 2016 than having Selection Meet 2016; however. . . .

"Most of the elementary schools in Indanan North District could hardly organize group events" Sir Gary lamented.

"How many sports units did you have last 2015?" Sir Sam asked.

"4 but it was not so strong due to lack of group events in other competing units" Sir Gah answered.

"We have 5. So, 9 sports units will compete in the Joint District Meet 2016, I will share with you how to strengthen organization of athletes in the different group events" the PSDS confirmed.

Both heads of the district agreed that sports competition among 9 units would eliminate unhealthy competition in the mentality of both personnel of the 2 districts; rather; depending and strengthening on their respective sports units surely develops. School Sports Coordinators in both districts would be created. Likewise, there would be to stand as District Sports Committee to craft and organize a plan for the innovative conduct of Joint District Meet 2016. District Sports Committee should be of 1. District head; 2. District PESS Coordinator; 3. Two sports coordinators; 4. Two coaches; and 5. Municipal education committee chairman. Except the Municipal education committee chairman, both districs should send their respective representations to compose the District Sports Committee.

The 2 district heads were in agreement to conduct orientation and organization of the aforementioned school sports coordinators and district sports committee at Indanan North District Office, June 20, 2016 at 8:00 o'clock in the morning.

Sir Sam and Sir Gah planning for Joint District Meet 2016
 Planning for the Joint District Meet 2016 of both district was made in response to the advice of Hji. Yusop H. Jikiri, Father of Hon. Mayor, Hermot "Moy" D. Jikiri, the newly-elected Mayor of Indanan Muncipality. Sir Moore and Sir Gah decided Reading Development of primary grades level should be the utmost priority in the academic aspect of the schools. The two districts should look forward on how every Grade 1 learner be a reader at the end of every school year; Grade 2 pupil be a reader in Filipino; and Grade 3 be a reader in English. The PSDS and DIC are in constant consultation for those priorities that badly need to appear in the comprehensive Municipal Education Plan of the IMSB (Indanan Municipal School Board). 

The third priority is the re-organization of the IMSB in so far as Mayor-elect is concerned. Former Mayor, Hon. Saripuddin "Eddih" D. Jikiri who ran Congressman for First District Sulu last May 9 Election will step down on June 30, 2016 and his brother, newly-elected Mayor, Hon. Hermot "Moy" D. Jikiri will assume office on July 1, 2016. PSDS Moore and DIC Gah are certain that IMSB whose monthly appropriation from the Office of the Municipal Mayor is P 15,000.00 will grow more.

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