Wednesday, July 31, 2013

DIC’s Intuition from Guide

I was really challenged by the reiteration of
Pinnacle Hotel, Sta. Ana St., Davao City
NQESH result that school heads are very poor in school management and daily operations and communications. This is what I got as I led my way home from the 7-Day Module Development Workshop in Davao City last July 1-7, 2013.

"What shall I do?" I asked my Guide.

It came a reply, "Encourage yourself and your school heads to take pictures of your daily undertaken tasks or activities in your respective line of duties then translate those into paragraphs till it appears in your DOC where every one of you is able to see what you have done good things in your respective places of assignment. It's more beneficial if you'll have a blogger site that shall contain all your respective paragraphs before it will be ready for click of those among you who are no longer in the realm of reading many branches of knowledge. It’s impossible for you to photograph bad things in your daily life as instructional leaders. Precisely, we love good things. Albums of the past inspiring moments are always repeatedly seen by the owner. Composition of it; similarly; is read, too. Constant writing develops
DIC's arrival at Kasambuhan Village ES
the habit of reading. It is generating knowledge stored in one’s brain. Whatever talks you will have with your teachers, pupils, parents and other stakeholders in any educational affair, those stored knowledge out of your pictures, writing, and reading on your daily accomplishment will surely sound in all ears of your educational collaborators. It carries a powerful effect to convince them to work with you shoulder-to-shoulder towards your vision.”
“Divide your daily medium of conversation into percentage. Begin to speak 50% using L1; give 25% to L2; and the remaining 25% should focus on L3. Motivate your school heads and teachers to practice this so that you are able create in the school campus the environment of official conversation wherein the pupils will hear the different words and expressions of L1, L2, and L3 till they will be able to copy and paste it to their tongues,” added by my Guide.
“Look at Asec Noor Saada. He spends most of
SPG Officers with a certain activity
his time in that way. In it, he learns to appreciate other’s good deeds no matter how big or small it is. Yet, the hardest thing to be done is to give appreciation and recognition to a bit of good deeds done by other fellow but Asec Noor can do it easily. So, it became one of his triggering and inspiring factors to make people in and out of the ARMM go with reform. It gradually makes everybody influence to track the new pathway where education in ARMM must go,” concluded by my Guide.
In compliance with the intuition of my Guide, I tried my best to explore this weekend just to come up with blogger site for Indanan South District. In my feeling, it was so as deep as the Pacific. Trial and error helped me enter the process. Sometimes, I felt lost inside of it. What I did was to discontinue the exploration by quitting the pages of blogger. I did gaming in my computer just to relax my cyber spacecraft till I forgot my intuition. Fortunately, my Guide reminded me again to board the cyber spacecraft bound for blogger. Alhamdulillah, a journey ended with a link:

I ignored my deficiency in English grammar and
SPG Officers in action
poor experience in coming up with best title and developing it into well-organized paragraphs. I firmly believe this is now the moment where I can receive good comments to improve my creative writing skill from my school heads, teachers and other subscribers of this blogger site especially Sir Asec Noor Saada, my inspiration, my hidden model whom I always proudly speak before my school heads and I did not even sense it that I was already in the avenue of reading and writing while searching the stock knowledge of Google. How many nights from iftar to sahul were spent in it! A week after, Alhamdulillah, dream came to light.

Morning of July 30, 2013, Masdida M. Sarabi, TIC of Timbangan ES happened to pass by my office.
“Can you, please give me the full details, from 1 to 3 or 4 paragraphs of your achievement as 2nd Runner Up in the Division Search for Most Outstanding Teacher 2012 attached with photos?”
“Ikaw na ba, Sir kaingatan mo ra,” Replied Ms. Sarabi.
“Yes, but I lack the full details of it in the sense that I was in SEAMEO-Innotech during that
competition,” I insisted.
“Okay,” she nodded.
“I’m hoping for it within 3 days, K,” I urgently required
After the turn-over in Panglima Indanan Central School of Kerwin C. Asid, Sitti Palman I. Mohammad, Alyasir A. Hussam and Jurmainna H. Hunding, I called in Anariza J. Hussam, Teacher III of Panglima Indanan Central School.
“Can you give me a 3-paragraph details of that turn-
Inspecting the gardens of the pupils
over for our district blog?” asked me.
“Of course, why not,” answered her.
“Can I expect it after 3 days?’’ I confirmed.
“Even tomorrow,” assured her. (Turn-over Ceremony at Panglima Indanan Central School -
I passed by Kasambuhan village ES confirming the preparation of 1-Day IN-SET for School Heads on July 31, 2013. To my sight were two teachers, a school nurse and the Principal, Nur-aisha A. Gonzales facilitating pupils doing certain activity. After giving salam, I asked, “What’s that activity that makes you look busy?”
They answered in chorus, “Supreme Pupil Government Officers doing their task on the collection of the honorarium for the volunteer teachers as agreed by the campus PTCA meeting.”
“Utuh Mox, will you give a shot for them, please,” I requested.
My heart was so glad to see those SPG officers. I asked the principal if she has a copy of DepED Order prescribing those suggested activities for the SPG. She replied me positively. I would be very interested to know what strategy they did, for instance the maintenance of cleanliness over the ground. How they got the participation of every class officer to participate in cleanliness campaign. I gave thumb up for them before I tried to convince them the percentage of using L1, L2, and L3 in the daily conversation in the school campus.

Then I was invited by the principal to see their pupils tilling the soil for gardening. I witnessed the newly-grown plants in the garden. I guessed all the pupils were really interested in planting crops and other green-leafy vegetables in their gardens. Flash from a camera shone over them in their unnoticed state.
On our way home almost late for preparing iftar, I asked Utuh Mox if I can expect him to submit some paragraphs of his arrival at the newly-assigned station for him, Poblacion ES. He was truly inspired with our new activity where everyone turns to be blogger.

Turn-over Ceremony at Panglima Indanan Central School

Kerwin C. Asid, outgoing Principal of PICS
July 30, 2013 at around 2:00 o’clock in the afternoon, a turn-over ceremony was held at Panglima Indanan Central School (PICS), Licup, Indanan, Sulu. This event was witnessed by the District In-Charge of Indanan South District, Mr. Samoore S. Ladjahali, ESP - I, the school heads and teachers of Panglima Indanan Central School, Poblacion Elementary School, Bunot Elementary School & Annex and Dayuan-Manilop Primary School. The said ceremony covered the turnover of duties and responsibilities by the outgoing school heads. Mr. Kerwin C. Asid, Principal - I has just accepted Mohammad Jadjurie Elementary School, Jolo - I District as his new place of assignment before this momentous affair happened.

DIC discarded worries shown by the turn-over.
It was a short program hosted by PICS teachers. It started with the usual prayer led by Mr. Fauzy I. Jadjulie, Teacher - I and a welcome remark from Mrs. Silma J. Baklayan, T - I of PICS, too. Then, it was followed by the turn-over of the responsibilities by the outgoing head of Panglima Indanan Central School, Mr. Kerwin C. Asid to Miss Sitti Palman I. Mohammad, principal of Poblacion Elementary School.

With this, it made a little twist in leadership of some schools in Indanan South District wherein here Mr. Alyasir A. Hussam, TIC of Dayuan-Manilop Primary School) took the full responsibilities of Poblacion Elementary School. Then, he turned over Dayuan Primary School to the Head Teacher - III of Bunot Elementary School & Annex in the person of Mrs. Julmainna H. Hunding. The program ended with a motivational message from the District In-Charge Sir Samoore S. Ladjahali.

EMCEE, Anariza J. Hussam, T - III of PICS
Alhamdulillah, the program was a success. The newly-reassigned school heads accepted their responsibilities wholeheartedly and all the teachers gladly welcomed their respective heads with a smile.

This is a journal writing product of Anariza J. Hussam, T - III of PICS.

Monday, July 29, 2013

A Flash of Joy in School Leadership

Teacher's Day at PICS
Every one of us is quite familiar with many forms of gatherings. Occasionally, it involves lots of people coming from different sectors of life regardless of gender, age, occupation, tribe, religion, and personality. Typical instances of it attribute to celebrations, anniversaries, graduations, conferences, oath-taking and assumption of office, competitions, seminars, symposiums, and whatsoever occasions or affairs that need the attention and participation of people. Normally, we observe everybody in the gathering is fully absorbed with spending their time, money, and persons. Each of them looks feeling with mixed emotions of joy and grief. Interesting stories; however; are still there. It makes someone fully concentrated while others could not help but smile. Cry is uncommon but laughter and giggle are the dominant factors of noise in any gathering of people. Usually, it emanates from the existence of camera. If any flash of light crosses one's glance, an eye tries to locate it curiously. If it actually comes from a true camera of other person, a request abruptly says, "Have one shot, please." or this way, "Help me join, please." Many were disheartened by neglect and failure to join the picture-taking.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Old Chalkboard Inspires DepED-ARMM Asec

As I browsed my Facebook timeline, first post that clasped my eyes was a notification saying, "Asec Noor Saada updated his cover photo." Underneath the notification, I saw green photo framed with brown color. On its center were chalk-written words, not so legible to one's sight. I told myself, "It looks like a chalkboard in the district office." I wiped my two eyes with both fingers and stared again at the cover photo. It was confirmed. It's ours. . . old chalkboard displayed on the wall of Indanan South District Office.

LOL (laugh-out loud) controlled my being. It intensely repeated over and over again in my solitude. I forgot to be ashamed of making laughter alone in front of my desktop. I really pondered on it for a long while.

"What makes Asec Noor Saada use it as his cover photo?", a question to myself. 

I didn't really know the answer that could precisely satisfy me than to click "like" and began typing, "Thanks, Sir Noor for using it as cover photo of your Facebook."

After some minutes, it came a reply, "Nakaka-inspire kasi!"

"Allaho Akbar!", a loud shout in my heart.

Until now, I'm unable to fully put it into details the inspiration as what Sir Noor mentioned carried by that old chalkboard. Thus, I'm also inspired to publish this as a blog of Indanan South District so that whoever happens to read this will be able share with me its hiddenness out of its evidence. What I can frankly tell you that it was written by Murphy B. Immid, District ALS Coordinator while the school heads were too busy grouping themselves into 4 groups that would tackle those listed foci on that old chalkboard in the forthcoming 1-Day IN-SET for School Heads at Kasambuhan Village Elementary School, July 31, 2013.

1-Day IN-SET for School Heads was not in our intention aside from having just a meeting last July 11, 2013. What came in my mind as District In-Charge was that to visit your school and inspect the condition of teaching and learning process in time of Ramadhan and to solicit your issues and concerns in the schools so that I exactly know what type of educational assistance or advice I may provide or employ collaboratively with you as instructional leaders.

In closing, please, help me, not LOL alone but offer our sincerest thanks to Sir Asec Noor Saada in giving value and appreciation to our huge deeds that we never even sense it.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Mayor Eddih Prepares Pasil ES Playground for District Meet 2013

As reported by Faisal A. Kadil, Head Teacher - III of Pasil ES at DOC today that the Municipal Government of Indanan under the able leadership of Hon. Saripuddin "Eddih" D. Jikiri, re-elected Municipal Mayor requested the greader equipment of the Department of Public Works and Highway-Sulu for the leveling of Pasil Elementary School Playground in preparation for the this year's conduct of 3-Day District Meet 2013. Last year, Panglima Indanan Central School was the venue of the District Meet where he sent on his behalf Hji. Iriles "Utuh Dirih" N. Ladjabassal, Municipal Information Officer to articulate his inspirational message on the strengthening of Physical Education

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Indanan South at SEAMEO-Innotech

It was a call of Regional and Division Memorandum in response to the conduct of District Supervisors Leadership Program (DSLP) Training Workshop by DepED-ARMM in partnership with DepED Central Office. Every division of DepED-ARMM was given three slots that made a total of thirty district supervisors to stay in SEAMEO-Innotech Training Center, Commonwealth Ave., Quezon City for a period of eleven days from September 7-18, 2012.

DepED-Sulu that time was still divided into Sulu - I and Sulu - II. For Sulu - I, it was represented by District Supervisors/In-Charge of Indanan South District, Patikul East District, Wilson S. Alih and Talipao District, Totoh A. Habibun. Stated in memorandum that every participant must be newly-installed district supervisor whose age did not exceed fifty years old; hence; participants from Sulu - I Division were not full-fledged district supervisors because Sulu - I full-fledged district supervisors were almost to retire.

The training workshops were categorized into 3 phases: Phase - I was a face-to-face learning session at SEAMEO-Innotech from September 7-18, 2012; Phase - II  was District Action Plan (DAP) enhancement and implementation in their districts, respectively from November 1-30, 2012; and Phase - III was learning integration and graduation at Davao City from December 2-4, 2012.

During Phase - I, DSLP scholars underwent tour as part of the learning sessions to Sto. Cristo Elementary School in Bulacan. This school belonged to a district there headed by a DSLP graduate. This DSLP district head also gave lecture to DSLP scholars from DepED-ARMM before a courtesy visit was extended to the Municipal Mayor of Bulacan, Hon. Menneses. On the first day of tour, DSLP scholars were also given an oppurtunity to visit Intramuros, Luneta, Mall of Asia and Green Hills.
In second day, another tour was made to Muntinlupa Elementary School and Gen. Santiago Elementary School. There was a warmest welcome offered by Muntinlupa Elementary School to the DSLP scholars by way of posting mini flags of ARMM, presence of parents and LGU officials, school band entertainment and program where group of pupils performing dance attributed to the customs and traditions of the ARMM people. The principal of this school was also a DSLP graduate. Session
was conducted there with a topic, creating connections lectured by the principal. Afterwards, the scholars proceeded to Gen. Santiago Elementary School. They reached this school by passing Malacanang Palace. Implementation of ALIVE Program was massively excellent in this school. This school was known throughout Manila in producing back-to-back graduates.

Phase - I focused on planning and preparation of DAP by every district supervisor after series of learning sessions facilitated by prominent lecturers and learning mentors from DepED-ARMM like Marjuni M. Maddi, Regional Planning Director now,
Dr. Fatima B. Abubakar, Director of the Bureau of Secondary Education now, and Usec. Alsad Sattar, Bureau of Madaris Education. Other dignified personalities from DepED-ARMM were Atty. Jamar M. Kulayan, DepED-Secretary, Asec. Noor Saada and Moby Pandi. After Phase - I, scholars were just give Certificate of Appearance and the Certificate of Participation and Recognition would be given during Phase - III at Davao City. Before Phase - I ended, an election for the Officers of DSLP-ARMM happened. Indanan South District was elected Vice President of DSLP.

So, DSLP mentees went home with their Certificate
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of Appearance that would inspire them to enhance and implement their DAP in their respective districts. There was a weekly online sharing of all Class A, Class B, and Class C with their respective Learning Mentors. Indanan South District was so lucky to have Dr. Fatima B. Abubakar as Learning Mentor.

Finally, graduation was realized at Garden Resort, Davao City from December 2-4, 2012.

District Vision: Individuality to Connections

PTCA/SGC Federation Officers' Oath-taking
Indanan South District is situated inside Indanan Municipality where insurgency between ASG and Government Troops frequently occurred. As a result, suspension of classes became possible. During the administration of Acting Mayor, Hon. Hussien U. Ahajan, for instance, disruption of classes in the entire district lasted for six month from September, 2010 to February, 2011. There was even some threats for the teachers in the form of letter coming from an unidentified senders warning them to be kidnapped and beheaded unless the teachers would agree to give P 50.00
Community School Board Officers' Oath-taking
monthly per teacher.

In some schools, teachers and community members were not in good terms. They often quarreled by thebasis of fencing, prohibition of feeding cows over the school ground, vandalism, and destruction of the windows, school office and many other physical facilities of the schools.
District office was not so conducive for performing administrative works caused by ruined walling, ceiling, roofing and inadequacy of tables, chairs, and other office supplies. District office caters both Indanan North and Indanan South District Supervisors and staff altogether. Either of the two has no plan to improve the office but to own it solely. Ownership of the district office had been an issue till
Formalization of Municipal School Board
it reached the Office of the SDS but it still remained unsolved.

The District In-Charge came to conclude that individuality was the root-cause of the problems. Thus, he set a vision to create connections among one another including both internal and external stakeholders in the different levels such as regional, provincial, municipal and barangay level. Daily school-to-school walkthrough was evident to all teachers and school heads. The District In-Charge served as a glue for the unification of all teachers, pupils, parents and other community members for
Provincial Engineer's Office Team
the educational concerns till they realized the vital role of their individual participation for the betterment of Indanan South District. One of those the visualized was the renovation of the district office. They strongly suggested to tap Hon. Abdusakur M. Tan, Sulu Provincial Governor for the improvement of the district office.  Finally, the OIC Provincial Engineer payed an occular visit to the district office and made a finding that the district office would need reconstruction.
Informal visit to community headmen and Local Government Unit officials triggered the plan for the organization of Community School Board and Municipal School Board.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

A Farewell Step for Change

Sir Hji. Gafs, DIC & School Heads

It was 16th day of July, 2012 when Turn-over Ceremony began at the Notre Dame Review Center, Kasulutan Village, Patikul, Sulu. One hundred twenty-eight (128) teaching and non-teaching personnel of the district gathered themselves to grace the mandatory farewell of Hji. Abdulgafor J. Madjaluddin from the field of educational supervision. Seven (7) DepED-Sulu Division personnel witnessed this awesome district affair, of whom three (3) were senior Education Program Supervisors (EPS), one (1) was Division Planning Officer, and three (3) were special staff of the Schools Division Superintendent (SDS), Dr. Tim U. Arbison.