Thursday, November 16, 2017

SSA President Finally Convene with ISD on Training Workshop for Coaches and Officiating Officials

At the ISD Booth 2017, November 9, 2017, the ISD school officials and other personnel finally decided with the President of Sulu Sports Association, Tony K. Asanji, Secondary School Principal of Indanan National High School over the proposed conduct of the 4-Day District Enhancement Training Workshop for Coaches and Officiating Officials with theme: "PROMOTING PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SCHOOL SPORTS: EFFECTIVE COACHING AND OFFICIATING". After the informal talks with the SSA President, Supersam disseminated the decisions to all school heads of the Indanan South District schools. This proposal came into formal plan with the SSA in reference to the issues and concerns of all school heads and some sports officials brought about last DLF (District Learning Forum) held in the ISD Office last October 27, 2017.

As agreed, ISD personnel would shoulder the expenses on handouts, stage decoration, venue and its facilities, two snacks and lunch of every resource person per day. As expected, there would be 12 resource persons from SSA. ISD personnel would voluntarily give P 1, 000.00/resource person after the 4-day affair. As required by the SSA, every participant should pay membership fee at the amount of P 200.00 as mobilization fund of the Sulu Sports Association. At the end of the 4-day training, SSA would issue every participant personal identification card and certificate of membership signifying his/her full membership and qualification to officiate in the SPAAM competitions. The SSA President committed to present the training matrix to the ISD officials for reproduction after the preparation of SSA officials. Selection of the right venue, Pasil Elementary School was strongly suggested by the SSA President for having fabulous play area for practicum and having more classrooms for the session halls of the diverse sports events. PSDS Moore questioned on the practicum area for the swimming sports events. Likewise, the date (December 18-21) of the training came from the idea of SSA President to ensure no disruption of classes so that approval of the Schools Division Superintendent would be highly sought. Tony K. Asanji replied that trainees for that sports events and trainer should go to Sulu Provincial Swimming Pool near the Sulu Provincial Sports Complex.

Supersam estimated the expenses would, more or less, be P 20, 000.00 that should be equally divided among the entire nationally-funded personnel of the ISD. Last DLF, ISD officials detected that there would be 115 nationally-funded personnel. A share of every personnel for said expenses would be collected upon the arrival of year-end bonus. School level collection would be handled by school head and assisted by School Classroom Teachers Association Treasurer. Then the collected amount should be remitted to ISD Committee on Finance. P 20, 000 approximated amount for the expenses is different from individual membership fee (P 200.00).

PSDS Sam prepared some questionnaire posted below just to detect the teacher's interest in the different sports events. The questionnaire would be launched by every school researcher to his/her co-personnel. School head would assist the school researcher for the gathering of data relative to personnel's interest in sorts. It would be finally tabulated and consolidated by the ISD Committee on Research composed of Supersam, Nagdar U. Sasapan, Sharifa Mharrojheanne A. Alih, Cmdr. H-man and Alnasvier I. Abdljalil.

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