Sunday, December 24, 2017

DepED-Sulu Division PESS Coordinator Leads the Stretching Activity

In the morning of December 21, 2017, DepEd-Sulu Division PESS Coordinator, Alnasir I. Said led the accreditation participants to perform stretching inside Timbangan Elementary School Gym. It was a part of the physical fitness included as of the lectures in the training matrix prepared by Sulu Sports Association. The activity seemed so funny and interesting for all teachers of both elementary and secondary schools attended the 4-Day Joint Indanan South District-Indanan National High School Accreditation Seminar Workshop that began on December 18, 2017. Most of the participants were women. Only very few men in both elementary and secondary levels. However, all women looked as strong as the men in doing the stretching.

In Day 2 after a short briefing done by the SSA facilitators, all teachers moved out the gym towards the school ground looking for the designated classrooms of the various sports events. The trainees filled up all classrooms in both second floor and ground floor of the senior high school building of Indanan National High School, Timbangan-Annex. All sports events had almost equal number of participants coming from eighteen schools of Indanan South District and three campuses of Indanan National High School. Thus, the SSA lecturers felt so motivated to expound the knowledge, basic skills and rules and regulations of the games.

In Day 3, lectures continued until midday. In the afternoon, practicum for every sports event occurred. The school playground of Timbangan Elementary School ran short of space that was why some sports events conducted practicum inside the classrooms. Classroom teachers and school heads were excited to do the practicum even though it was raining.

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