Thursday, January 4, 2018

Sir Quiedong to Sir Moore: Updated ko na SDS sambil Caretaker yadtu, OK daw

Ma'am Nur-ina M. Abubakar, Teacher I of Langpas Elementary School was designated as Caretaker of the school for and in the absence of the school principal, Hja. Nalda J. Muksan to lead the teachers of said school to be with the EiE Team to their school this morning, January 4, 2018. During FGD presided by Sir Quiedong, the School Caretaker stood before the parents from Barangay Taran, Barangay Kuppong, Barangay Tumantangis and Barangay Paligue, Indanan, Sulu responding the question when they would be reporting to Langpas Elementary School.

After Langpas Elementary School, the team was back to Mukammali Elementary School for another FGD with the parents. The FGD lasted less than what the team did in Langpas Elementary School. Before that, Melda I. Adug, head teacher 3 of the school escorted Sir Quiedong to roam around and inspect the classrooms hit by the bullets last November 19, 2017. It was all given shots for photos as proof of evidence of the EiE Team.

After taking pack lunch, Sir Moore whispered to Sir Quiedong concerning the situation of Hja. Nalda J. Muksan why she was unable to join the team but designating Ma'am Nur-ina M. Abubakar as the Caretaker. He continued that the designation of said Caretaker was adoptable to the situation especially in the preparation of school reports because the Caretaker is also the trained School ICT Coordinator. PSDS requested Sir Quiedong to refer it to the Schools Division Superintendent for her perusal. He secretly informed Sir Quiedong that the school principal would have specific schedule when to report to her school in a sense that his husband is the nephew of the casualty last November 20, 2017. She is now temporarily detailed in the Indanan South District Office whose assurance of her reporting is until amicable settlement of both warring parties comes to reality. PSDS Sam confirmed that until June, 2018 is still uncertain so that the SDS would look into proposed plan of action over the principal's assignment.

When Supersam was already in his office after more or less 3 hours from their homecoming, mobile message rang his Vivo. It was from Sir Quiedong reading in the following lines:

"Salam. . . Na updates ko na sds. . . Ok na lahat. . . Sambil caretaker yadto biyaytaan ko na. . . Ok na daw. . . Sukran khatheer"

At home, Sir Sam phoned the Principal informing about the aforementioned updates. He strongly suggested her to prepare designation of her Caretaker for the Office of the Schools Division Superintendent. It would be possible if it could be submitted tomorrow to the Division Office.

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