Friday, August 10, 2018

Special Defense Approved by SDS for ISD

DepED-Sulu Schools Division Superintendent, Dr. Tim J. Undain-Sanchez, FRIEdr. officially approved the written request of Supersam, Public Schools District Supervisor of Indanan South District for having special Defense for the Tentative Assignment List of Personnel which was supposedly scheduled on May 25, 2018. With the blessing of SDS, ISD school administrators defended their school personnel assignment inside SDS' office last July 5, 2018.

The said defense started at about 9:25 in the morning and ended at, more or less, 3:25 in the afternoon. The defense panel was composed of SDS, Chairman, Dr. Abdulnaser J. Adala, Member/Education Program Supervisor, Dr. Felix Regellana, Member/EPS, Dr. Sabiriya, Member/EPS, Dr. Saudi Janang, MemberASDS and Mrs. Dolores B. Gonzalo, Member/EPS.

There were 18 elementary school heads faced before the special confrontation, namely: 1. Bunot ES headed by Jurmainna H. Hunding, Head Teacher III; 2. Cmdr. Bara Jalaidi ES headed by Nagdar U. Sasapan, TIC; 3. Dayuan ES headed by Delda J. Amdan, TIC represented by her teacher caretaker, Nursa S. Sahibul; 4. Kasambuhan Village ES headed by Nur-aisha A. Gonzales, Principal I; 5. Langpas ES headed by Hja. Nalda J. Muksan, Principal I; 6. Lugmah ES headed by Alnasvier I. Abduljalil, TIC; 7. Manilop ES headed by Kauzar I. Jawang, TIC; 8. Mukammali ES headed by Melda I. Adug, Head Teacher III; 9. Palan ES headed by Dr. Hja. Sarah Y. Hayudi, Principal I; 10. Panglima Ahajan ES headed by Mussah A. Arabain, Head Teacher III; 11. Panglima Indanan Centra School headed by Andrada M. Asid, TIC; 12. Panglima Mammah ES headed by Josefina S. Ajijul, TIC; 13. Panglima Misuari ES headed by Marjin "Cmdr. H-man" J. Madjirul, TIC; 14. Pasil ES headed by Faisal A. Kadil, Head Teacher III; 15. Poblacion ES headed by Alyasir A. Hussam, TIC; 16. Sapah Malawm ES headed by Juaisa Y. Muallam, TIC; 17. Sapie ES headed by Faijal I. Andan, TIC; and 18. Timbangan ES headed by Masdida M. Sarabi, TIC.

Division Defense Panel carefully looked into the number of officially-enrolled learners from Kindergarten to Grade 6 which aimed to detect school's needs on teachers or excess teachers that might be possibly re-assigned to some schools where number of teachers would be inadequate. Dr. Adala strictly advised every school head to assigned permanent teacher in Kindergarten in preparation for the future training whose volunteer teacher or provisional teacher would no longer be allowed. In addition, Mrs. Gonzalo admonished every school head to have focus on both reading and writing ability of the learners. Grade 6 graduates for the School Year 2018-2019 would be tracked down in Grade 7. Every high school would be required to submit the list and name including the name of elementary school where student graduated in Grade 6 of slow readers enrolled in all public secondary schools as Grade 7. She also required ISD PSDS to submit reading intervention strategy that would improve the reading proficiency of the slow readers.

When turn of Hja. Nalda J. Muksan, Prinicipal I of Langpas ES came in, SDS asked Supersam what the ISD did relative to the problem affecting the Hja. Muksan. Supersam presented his proposal for the perusal and approval of the authority over the realignment of some school administrators. In as much as Kasambuhan Village ES would be safest for Hja. Muksan, Nur-aisha A. Gonzales, Senior Principal I would be moved to Panglima Indanan Central School; Andrada M. Asid should be moved to Bunot ES; Jurmainna H. Hunding could be moved to Poblacion ES; and finally, Alyasir A. Hussam might takeover Langpas ES. Dr. Adala asked Mr. Hussam if he would be willing for realignment to Langpas ES.

"We are for the pupils" Mr. Hussam abruptly responded.

"Wow! Nice! Nice!" SDS talked in a low voice.

SDS appreciated the ISD proposal in addressing all the problem at their own levels. In relation to realignment of some school managers; however; SDS finalized the decision to retain the school heads' assignment as it was until the right time would come with approved order from the higher authority through the consent of school head concerned.

Lastly, SDS released her parting messages along the following lines;

"We are for our learners and I am for you."
"I am here for you."

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