Saturday, February 20, 2021

ISD First Policy Meeting 2016

Revival of those long lost DepED policies and thrust which are still in the mandate of Philippine education system were the focused topics of the First Policy Meeting 2016 done inside the newly-renovated district office of Indanan South District thru the sincere finance of DepED-ARMM Secretary, Dr. John A. Magno. Happened first was the assignment of 2 teaching loads to those designated district coordinators like Jahaddi J. Taulani attached to Panglima Mammah Elementary School, Naser L. Assil connected with Kasmabuhan Village Elementary School and Sharifa Mharrojeane A. Alih listed in the name of Poblacion Elementary School.

The PSDS and the school heads agreed on the observance of district coordinators’ classes in the morning reflected in the daily class programs and the official time of the district coordinators with the Public Schools District Supervisor in the district office in the afternoon. PSDS Sam nullified the designation of District Liaison Officer tackled by District PESS Coordinator, Jahaddi J. Taulani so that 2 teaching loads in the classroom and PESS could be given more focus instead of doing transaction of the district in the division office morning and afternoon. Sir Moore, himself will be the one to act on the duty of the district liaison officer. This was made through written communication addressed to the Schools Division Superintendent submitted yesterday morning. Additional tasks for the district coordinators in the district office were the responsibilities on the custody of the different reports submitted by 18 schools in the district.

Indanan South District has 4 district coordinators, namely: 1. Jahaddi J. Taulani, District PESS Coordinator; 2. Naser L. Assil, District Property Custodian; 3. Sharifa Mharrojeane A. Alih, District ICT Coordinator; and 4. Murphy B. Immid, District ALS Coordinator. All narrative reports and SIP of the schools shall be submitted to the District PESS Coordinator; all reports intended for the Division Planning Office shall be submitted to the District ICT Coordinator; CSC form 48 and request for payroll shall be under the custody of the District Property Custodian; and all identified ALS enrollees shall be noted to the District ALS Coordinator attached in the list of personnel of Palan Elementary School. PSDS Sam also asked the permission of those school heads having district coordinator for the acceptance of verbal notification whenever he needs in his company of those district coordinators, perhaps in monitoring and supervising the implementation of K to 12 Curriculum in the different schools.

During this afternoon’s Policy Meeting, PSDS Moore stressed the specified time of receiving and releasing of teachers’ documents and request concerning with the Division Office. Teachers are just entertained in the District Office from 7:00 to 7:45 in the morning and from 4:00 to 5:00 in the afternoon. For school heads, principals, head teachers, TICs or caretakers are permitted anytime to come to the district office for official transactions. All of the aforementioned policies were written in the form district memorandum copy furnished to the 15 school administrators of ISD.

It was also agreed in the District Policy Meeting 2016 to caution some teachers who are not regular in wearing the DepED prescribed uniforms in and out of the classrooms, school campus/premises and in the time of reporting to their respective stations. PSDS Moore urged every school head to concentrate on instructional supervision by way of conducting regular classroom observation. He gave more emphasis on the proper utilization of curriculum guide, learning modules, teaching guide, learner’s materials and many guidelines prescribed in the implementation of K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum in support to  curriculum and quality instruction. It was also agreed that adoption of classroom observation is depending on the situation of the school. In so far as School-Based Management is concerned, school heads are permitted to use either TLOC, STAR, SCOPE or any suggested classroom observation tool. Sir Sam made aware of his school leaders to always expect him in their school offices looking into those evidences of their regular conduct of classroom observation in response to the close instructional supervision.

Scheduling of the forthcoming orientations was also taken up during the District Policy Meeting 2016. It includes NAT Orientation for the Room Examiners, Room Supervisor and District Testing Coordinator in preparation for upcoming administration of NAT for Grade 4 scheduled on July 13, 2016. Schedule of the NAT Orientation would be on July 11, 2016. The facilitators are Hja. Nalda J. Muksan, Principal I of Langpas Elementary School, Melda I. Adug, Head Teacher III of Mukammali Elementary Schools and other participants to the recent NAT Orientation conducted by the Division Office. Further the same schedule is the Orientation on Simultaneous Earthquake Drill that needs to be done on July 20, 2016. It would be lectured by the District DRRMC Coordinator, Faisal A. Kadil, Head Teacher III of Pasil Elementary School. Also with the same schedule is an Echo on SPMS (Strategic Performance Management System) to be facilitated by the PSDS, District ICT Coordinator and District Property Custodian/Planning Coordinator.

For the consistency of the schools’ targets and priorities anchored to the division level, it was finally agreed to prioritize achievement of NAT MPS at least 75%, increase of performance indicators with at least 5% and the elimination of non-readers in this school year. The district and the schools unanimously decided to focus on ECARP (Every Child A Reader Program) expecting every Grade 1 learner is a reader in Mother Tongue; every Grade 2 learner is a reader in Filipino; and every Grade 3 learner is a reader in English at the end of every school year.

Entry of the District Commissioners’ visit was strongly suggested to happen after the administration of NAT in so far a series of Hariraya Puasa Celebration could hardly be observed in just one day or having different schedules in the different barangays of Indanan Municipality. School heads also wanted to know the nature of commissioners’ visit to their respective schools either ocular, data gathering, monitoring and assessment, assisting schools how NAT result increased to 75% MPS or data-based for planning so long as they are commissioned to Indanan South District schools. They also suggested to be with the visitation and have school-to-school post conference.

The District Policy Meeting 2016 lasted for almost 3 hours. The venue is quite hot because the office lacked ventilation. There was actually only 1 Camel stand fan. As the PSDS perceived the hot weather, Sir Moore immediately put out 2 pieces of 1 thousand pesos and asked the District Property Custodian and District Utility Worker to buy another 1 Camel stand fan. Despite the presence of 2 Camel stand fan, the inner hall of the ISD Office was still hot. Luckily, heavy rain gushed forth while the District Policy Meeting 2016 was in the middle portion of the topics.

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