It was really unbelievable to push through the conduct of 3-Day District Meet
2012 in Panglima Indanan Central School from October 17-19, 2012. Lots of
terrifying issues concerning threats and apprehension made to teachers by way
of sending anonymous letters warning teachers to be kidnapped for ransom unless
they would agree with the monthly maintenance of P 150.00/teacher. I salute to
the courage, initiative and potentials of the PICS teachers, school nurse and
most especially to Kerwin C. Asid, the School Principal. In as consutation
meeting with all the school heads, District PESS Coordinator, Jahaddi J.
Taulani, District In-Charge and PICS teachers, maximum enhancement and innovation for the conduct of
District Meet 2012 must be inspiring and motivated for the involvement of all

Finally, unanimous decision became evident in the following manner:
- Unit - I was composed of Pasil ES & Annex, Mukammali ES and Dayuan-Manilop PS
- Unit - II catered Panglima Indanan CS, Palan ES and Panglima Ahajan ES & Annex
- Unit - III was the flagship of Timbangan ES, Kasambuhan Village ES and Bunot ES & Annex
- Unit - IV raised the banner of Panglima Mammah ES, Poblacion ES and Langpas ES & Annex
3. Conduct literary contest and cultural presentations simultaneously with ball games
4. Invite non-DepED-Indanan board of judges and officiating officials
5. Hold a parade from Poblacion to Lamapaki, sitio of Barangay Licup where Central School is located
6. Invite the cadets of Jolo School of Fisheries
7. Request the Mobile PNP of Indanan Police Station to spearhead the motorcades
8. Invite the municipal employees to join the parade before proceeding to their office
9. Invite all PTCA/SGC officers from school level up
to district federation level
10. Require every school to present field demo to be performed by pupils from the first day up to the last day of the District Meet
11. Utilize PTCA/SGC officers to assist technical officials/officiating officials in maintaining harmony, peace, fairness and sportsmanship in every game
12. Encourage the neighboring Barangay Chairpersons to join the parade
13. Motivate the Barangay Chairperson to spearhead the 3-day sports competition in so far as venue in her barangay was concerned.
Alhamdulillah, the innovative/non-traditional approach
in the conduct of District Meet 2012 caused success. It won the symphaty of those possessing not-so-good attitude to teachers.Old folks said, "It's been long time we've not heard mulsiko."
"Yes", admittedly anwered by majority of them. "Except those days in 60's,'' others replied.
Many of them confessed that District Meet 2012 reminded them those past days, the so-called peace-time.
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