Thursday, May 28, 2015

Beware of Temporary Lock in FB

Have you experienced 'Temporary Lock' in Facebook? It happened to my FB account with profile name, Dsl Indanan South. I wondered why I could no longer post photos and share my posts. It frequently notified me, 'Sorry, you're temporarily locked'. I thought hacker entered my account. I tried to Google it why happened that case to my FB account. Accordingly, I violated the Community Standards of Facebook, perhaps. I browsed the Community Standards where I met some of it like sharing non-public post to others. I admitted that violation because I was fond of sharing others' posts without being aware of the status of posts. Either public, friends or close friends status of any posts did not catch my consciousness. So, my FB account would only be opened but it didn't work in posting. It was a gigantic repentance on my part until I decided to create new FB account named Indanan South in lieu of my temporarily locked account.

Caution in Facebook really matters to avoid from being locked. To make this as a habit, see first the status of post before sharing it to others or to your timeline.

Status of post may be seen in the middle box where you can visualize drop down menus with icons. Of all the drop down menus, only public is safe for you to share. It appears under the profile name of FB user that made the post or after the date or time when the post was published. Sharing other status causes violation according to FB Community Standards. Yes, you can share it without harm at first. However, there are maximum limits. Once the maximum limits are reached, what happened to my account will surely occur in yours. You will be temporarily locked from posting and sharing of photos. 

Don't be afraid if you really want to prove it. Anyway, everything may also be back to as normal as it is. You have already seen my account named Dsl Indanan South. It is now actively working as it was before 'Temporary Lock' happened. Reach the maximum limits which I really don't know if you desire to feel it. Many quote that experience is the best teacher. Some say that to see is to believe. Complete faith lies in experience and feeling. This is not a prevention for those who are in doubt of the reminders. 

Furthermore, sharing of non-public post is also meaningless. It doesn't appear except to the friends, close friends, or whatsoever of the one who posted it. Have you encountered in FB showing this type, 'Attachment Unavailable'? It is the true image after you shared it.

If you post in your timeline with an intention to share it to DOC, please click the arrow status beside post and then check the icon public before you click post. Afterwards, you may click share to DOC. Definitely, friends or not friends of yours will enjoy to view your post.

In addition, any post inside DOC, remember always, may not be shared outside in a sense that DOC is purely closed group. DOC is similar to private. It is not open group. Anyway whatever non-public post that you will share, (name of publisher) chose a specific audience for this post. Only people in that audience will be able to see this when you share it will notify you before sharing will work.

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