Friday, June 5, 2015

Asec Noor Saada Turns-over Programs Portfolio to Asec for Academics

DepED-ARMM Secretary has two Asecs for Operations and Finance and for Programs and Projects which was occupied by Sir Asec Noor Saada. Before, Asec Atty. Maisara Damdamun Latiph sat in the Office of Asec for Programs and Projects while Asec Noor Saada was an Asec for Operations and Finance. Then Asec Noor Saada got the position after resignation of Asec Atty. Maisara D. Latiph. Turn-over of Asec Atty. Maisarara Latip to Asec Noor Saada was made in Pinnacle Hotel, Davao City during our seminar on Program Implementation Review and Planning Workshop last December, 2013. So, the vacant position was Asec for Operations and Finance which was later occupied by Dr. John A. Magno who is now the DepED-ARMM Secretary.
Asec for Academics came to exist in DepED-ARMM after resignation of former DepED-ARMM Secretary, Atty. Jamar M. Kulayan last May 22, 2015. Sir Marjuni Maddi, Chief of the Regional Planning Office was appointed by Mujiv S. Hataman, ARMM Regional Governor to fill up the newly-created position, Asec for Academics that oversees both elementary and secondary levels. The new Asec for Academics simultaneously took oath with the new DepED-ARMM Secretary, Dr. John A. Magno and newly appointed Asec for Operations and Finance, Atty. Sittie Mariam I. Balahim vice Dr. John A. Magno.  

However, Asec Noor Saada for Programs and Projects turned-over in the afternoon of today, June 5, 2015 the programs portfolio to Asec for Academics, Chief Marjuni Maddi. Is there no more Asec for Programs and Projects?

"Assistant Regional Secretary Noor Mohammad Saada and Assistant Regional Secretary Marjuni Maddi. ASec. Saada will focus on the Special Projects of the Department while ASec. Maddi on the Academic affairs. Today, ASec. Saada turnover the program portfolio to ASec. Maddi. Congratulations and Good luck to our Assistant Secretaries!" Rio DepED-ARMM posted in Facebook.

During the turn-over, Asec Noor Saada delivered the message below found in Facebook posted by him under his homepage.  

"This afternoon, I turn over to ASec for Academic Jun Maddi the program portfolio. Personally, I am confident that the Elementary and Secondary Education Programs, Alternative Learning System, Student Assessment and Materials Development will be in better hands with Jun at the helm of Academics portfolio.

I have known Jun on different levels. We were school mates in high schools, albeit I'm his senior and he was my junior. Basically, we grew up together professionally in DepEd-ARMM; initially, him through the teaching track and I through the school health track.

Being an NDEA scholar in college, a licensed teacher, with a master's degree and completed the academic requirements for his doctoral studies, an SBM pioneer and consultant in the country, are just some of his qualifications that make him well fitted for the job. He will be an asset to the team of new Sec DrJohn Magno who is now the 'captain' and 'driver' of education reform.

The program portfolio was originally with former ASec Atty Maisara Dandamun-Latiph, whom I am acquainted with even before our ARMM journey. This afternoon I turn over the same 'amanah (trust) to Jun, contributing my own, and praying for more successes under his leadership. Together with former Secretary Atty Jamar Kulayan, we passed on the torch with our contribution in it; and may you will pass it on to the next better than you have received it from us, In Shaa Allah!

My new portfolio will be on "Special Projects" as discussed with RG Mujiv Hataman and ES Laisa Masuhud Alamia, which will be two-fold: (1) Within DepEd-ARMM to cover all donor-funded programs and projects, including scholarships; and (2) Under ORG, a similar task which are gradually unfolding and the details are being discussed at the moment. I thank my bosses for the continuing trust and confidence.

To close my program portfolio chapter in DepEd-ARMM, I thank all those that I have worked on programs. It was a journey that allowed all of us to shine. As we strive to reform and deliver consistent with DepEd-ARMM mandates, we do not forget that we offer all of these for the greater glory of God; and following the Sunnah, I seek forgiveness for all the shortcomings and my weaknesses."

The newly-appointed Asec for Academics posted the following message in his Facebook homepage

"As I formally accepted the programs portfolio that Asec Noor Saada turned over to me this afternoon,  I made sure that i spent the best minutes of my time to listen to him, in full attention. My MENTOR never got tired of sharing his brilliant mind...and the selflessness in his being, which has always been the trademark of his personality, radiates, as always.

I pray that the passion for education that has propelled me all these years will doubly incline, and the strength to fuel this will be multiplied...knowing the challenges that lie ahead.

To RG Mujiv Hataman, Sec. John Magno, ES Atty. Laisa Masuhud Alamia, Atty. Jamar Kulayan and Asec Noor Saada, I am humbled by the trust and confidence. I have nothing but humility for all these."

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