Saturday, June 13, 2015

Four Elementary Schools are First to Designate CI Rooms/Corners

Palan Elementary School, Panglima Indanan Central School, Panglima Ahajan Elementary School and Poblacion Elementary School are first to designate Continuous Improvement (CI) rooms or corners as inspected by the District In-Charge last school visitation, June 8, 2015. These four schools have already displayed their CI team charts on the wall of the rooms. Other CI documents were also found in the rooms or corners. Palan Elementary School is headed by Dr. Hja. Sarah Y. Hayudini, Principal - I; Panglima Indanan Central School is headed by TIC, Andrada M. Asid; Panglima Ahajan Elementary School is headed by Mussah A. Arabain, Head Teacher - III; and Poblacion Elementary School is headed by TIC, Alyasir A. Hussam.

There were seven elementary schools that have not yet designed their CI materials due to lack of classrooms. The DIC advised the school heads to utilize some portion of their school offices for CI designated corners where CI outputs may be fixed and properly arranged. Some of them had also available rooms but it would need major repairs.

CI corner should not be attached to any classroom aside from school's office in far as Continuous Improvement model is concerned. It is expected that CI team would meet for brainstorming and sharing on the implementation of their CI school project which shall be attained at the end of six months. Fail not to display the name of CI school project in CI corner. CI team chart must be shown not only the names of CI members; rather; ID pictures may look presentable on the chart. Pictorials of CI activities add beauty and it is one of the signs for continuous improvement of the CI implementation of the action plan. Day-to-day data collected and minutes of the meeting must be recorded well in a safe storage. 

In Palan Elementary School, CI corner was already equipped with table and benches for CI team. It also had materials like folders, papers, and other devices that will aid CI team accomplish the targets in doing the processes. Panglima Indanan Central School CI corner was attached in Grade 4 classes. CI team members were printed on the chart and pasted on the wall of classroom. The DIC suggested the TIC for its transfer to the corner of school's office. Poblacion Elementary School CI corner was in the office of TIC. It has the table, folder and names of CI team pasted on the wall. Panglima Ahajan Elementary School CI corner was inside the office of the head teacher - 3. It has table and one chair facing the folder and other CI materials. CI team names were written on the portrait greenboard placed at the corner of the office.

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