Thursday, July 2, 2015

Do a Hajj Before Going to a Bed at Night

Doing a Hajj before going to a bed was a chat message from Hja. Sherilyn I. Taji, active School Nurse of Panglima Indanan Central School but she is temporarily detailed in the Division Health and Nutrition Section under Division Nurse, Hja. Shareen "Pinky" M. Lakibul. It appeared in the inbox of the District In-Charge, Samoore S. Ladjahali. The Islamic message sounded so impressive and enchanted for the heart and mind of those who are in search for the delightfulness in the next life of 'Yawmul Akhirah' or the life after this world. The DIC was so grateful and proud of having that Facebook message in his inbox sent by Hja. Sherilyn I. Taji in the following narration:

The Holy Prophet (SAWS) one day said to Hazrat Ali (R.A.) : Ya Ali! Do these 5 things before going to bed at night:
  1. Give four thousand (4, 000.00) in sadaqqa
  2. Read one complete Quran and then sleep
  3. Pay the price for Jannah and then sleep
  4. Make two people happy with each other when they are upset and then sleep
  5. Do one hajj and then sleep

Hazrat Ali (R.A.) said, "Ya Rasulallah! "This looks impossible. How will I be able to do it?"  Hadrat Ali (RA) asked.

Then the Prophet (SAWS) replied: "Fou times reading surah Fatiha is equivalent to 4,000 Dinars giving in Sadaqa. Three times reading surah Ikhlas (Qul hu Allahu Ahad) equals to one complete Quran. Three times reading any darood shareef (Shortest: Sallalaho Alaihi Wa Salam) is the price of jannat. Ten times Astagfirullah (or any istighfar) is equals to making two unhappy people happy with each other. Fou times third Kalima is equals to one Hajj.

After this Ali (R.A.) said, "Ya Rasulallah (SAWS)! Now I will do all these before going to bed." 

"It takes less than five minutes for all the above zikr and look at the virtues for it. Who would not want to have all these virtues to be in their book of good deeds? It will be very nice of you if you could. Please, forward this to as many Muslims as possible because if anyone starts doing these Aamaal then there is no doubt that you will also be rewarded for it. In sha ALLAH. Aameen," Hja. Sheng reminded. 

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