Tuesday, July 28, 2015

ISD Team Wins P 4, 000.00

Indanan South District Team won P 4, 000.00 as prizes of their participation in the athletic competition sponsored by the Municipal Government of Indanan under the stewardship of Hon. Mayor, Saripuddin "Eddih" D. Jikiri. The District In-Charge, Samoore S. Ladjahali was a member of the Executive Committee for the conduct of Hariraya Pu-asa Celebration 2015 of the Indanan Municipal Government commemorated in the facade of the Municipal Office, Pasil, Indanan, Sulu last July 20, 2015. As agreed in the committee meeting, DIC Moore should form volleyball players that should be composed of purely-selected teachers of the district. The organizers of the activity to highlight the Eid'l Fit'r Commemoration 2015 expected two teams from the Indanan South District teachers of whom Team A came from male teachers and Team B came from female teachers. 

The Indanan South District In-Charge organized the teams for volleyball boys and volleyball girls. He looked first for the captain ball of Team A or male players for volleyball athletic event. At first, most of the male teachers refused to play because of their insufficient skills in volleyball but the District In-Charge consoled their heart not to aim for win rather to show cooperation for the municipal government in gracing Hariraya Pu-asa Celebration 2015 with more fun, cheers and excitement. In the same manner, female teachers could hardly give their consent for the request of the District In-Charge. In the first place to consider, both male and female teachers were in their proper uniforms because their intentions in departing from their homes were to meet with their students in their respective schools and classes. Yes, Hon. Eddih does the Hariraya Pu-asa Occasion every year. He always invited the district teachers to witness and enjoy the entertainment and solemnity of the Islamic traditional practice of every end of Ramadhan.

However, this year's 2015 Hariraya Pu-asa Occasion failed to send out Municipal Memorandum to all line agencies particularly the DepED-Indanan South District. Yet, the end-Ramadhan activity lasted for two days effective July 20-21, 2015. Many school administrators and teachers asked when it would be as well as the black-and-white declaration of the municipal government through memorandum. Moore often inquired from Faisal A. Kadil who is known Head Teacher III of Pasil Elementary School whose campus is shared with the Municipal Office.

"Sir Dirih told me that you're one of the members of the committee," Fai informed DIC Moore.
"What committee?" Moore asked.
"They'll send memo to us, accordingly," Fai responded.

Thus, the Indanan South District volleyball players appeared in the thumbnail photo with their neat uniforms. They looked like legislators in the Lower House, didn't they? DIC Moore chose Fauzy I. Jadjulie, Teacher I of Panglima Indanan Central School as Captain Ball of Team A. Do you know that player doing the service appearing in the photo above? Whoa! It is school administrator of Poblacion Elementary School and Annex, Alyasir A. Hussam. Who were the opponents of ISD Team A? Of course, it's as usual. Team A played versus Municipal Employee. Unfortunately, Team A ranked only 2nd Placer. As they were about to go home for official transaction in the DepED-Sulu Division Office, Hon. Eddih and Sir Iriles "Dirih" N. Ladjabassal, Municipal Information Officer called the DIC to receive the prize of Team A. How much was the amount? Yep, that was two thousand pesos cash!

Mussahwaldasa M. Mustafa, Teacher I of Langpas Elementary School and Annex encouraged herself as the Captain Ball of Team B. Team B came to emerge through the influence of DIC Moore and Isniraja I. Allama, Teacher I of Pasil Elementary School and Annexes. Mashallah, Team B were so vivid inside the volleyball court against female employees of the municipal government because of their shiny red school uniforms. Mayor Eddih personally parked himself near the side of the volleyball court while the Team B and his female volleyball players were in the midst of on-lookers' shout and cheers. That day was so full of fun. Both young and old, men and women, and residents and visitors were in a white grin their beating heart as an effect of the spirit of fasting and eid and of course what team should win.

Female municipal volleyball players, in the end, formed a circle taking their pack-lunch after the game. Were they the winners or losers? Hurray! 2nd Placer, in the same manner, went to Team B of DIC Moore. It cost as much as the cash prize enjoyed bu the Team A. 

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