Monday, July 6, 2015

Ma'am Sisang: Will You Not See My CI Corner, Sir?

"Will you not see my CI Corner, Sir?" asked the Principal of Kasambuhan Village Elementary School, Nur-aisha "Ma'am Sisang" A. Gonzales in the ISD Office this morning.

"Very nice question," answered the DIC. "I am planning to be there after Panglima Mammah Elementary School a day after tomorrow. Alright, I'll try to manage my time today as I return from Palan Elementary School. I will go to Palan ES asking favor from Dr. Hja. Sarah Y. Hayudini, the School Principal to take picture of Tambuang Waterfall which will be presented by the Schools Division Supeintendent in the Regional Office this coming July 13, 2015," he further replied.

Escorted by the District PESS Coordinator, Jahaddi J. Taulani and Faijal I. Andan, Teacher - I of Panglima Mammah Elementary School, the DIC reached Palan ES at around 10:10 this morning. The Principal, Dr. Hja. Sarah Y. Hayudini was sitting in the School Canteen when the DIC and his company arrived in the school. Then the DIC presented the purpose of visit.

"Our SDS will present it on July 13, 2015. Preferably, we can submit the photos of Tambuang Waterfallwithin three days from now," the DIC asked favor from the Principal.

"In sha Allah, Sir. Even tomorrow, I can ask some of my relatives to go there and take its photos," committed by the Principal.

Then the DIC asked the Principal about the implementation of SLAC (School-based Learning Action Cell managed by the two groups of which one was composed of Kinder to Grade 3 and the other group which was composed of Grade 4 to Grade 6. The Principal answered in affirmative side. She revealed that the SLAC groups already started their activities for the month of June, 2015. However, the SLAC teams have not yet submitted their reports/documentation to the Office of the Principal. The teams are still in the process of encoding the details of the SLAC activities. When asked what topics the teams discussed, it was accordingly a review on the new grading system and new class record and table of specification in the K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum.

"Please, convey my appreciation to both SLAC teams for having conducted their SLAC session for the month of June, 2015," the DIC appreciated.

"Yes, Sir and thank you," the Principal responded politely.

"Welcome. How about your CI implementation?" the DIC asked. "Have you already finalized your CI action plan? What were new things done after my visit here last June 8, 2015?" the DIC inquired.

"We are planning to give much time for CI after Fasting (Ramadhan), Sir," the Principal answered.

"After this, we will pass by Kasambuhan Village Elementary School to monitor CI implementation. I promised the Principal to visit her school today," the DIC said before he bade goodbye to Palan Elementary School.

As the monitoring team passed by Kasambuhan Village ES, they noticed that it was sista time. So, they decided to go back at 1:30 in the afternoon when it would be time for class hours. They proceeded immediately to the ISD Office attending paper works. In the office, the DIC told his staff they would visit Division Office after Kasambuhan Village Elementary School to see the personnel of finance Section and to see if there would be memorandum for the district in the Record Section.

At about one-thirty in the afternoon, the monitoring team left the ISD Office and drove their motorcycle to Kasambuhan Village ES. Nur-aisha A. Gonzales, the Principal was at her office when the CI monitoring team arrived. They were not aware on the CI Corner was designated in the corner of the Principal's Office. They thought it was still in the corner of the school library where they were told by the Principal last June 8, 2015 during District Team Visitation.

The thumbnail photo was displayed in the CI Corner with some CI outputs under it. The school CI project's name was also written in bold letter in the CI Corner. It was entitled, "Medicament for RD in Grade 5". As reported by the Principal that the CI team has already started the root-cause analysis for the CI beneficiaries who would be targeted to be fast readers after six months. The team meets daily every after last period of classes in the afternoon. They already did the individual interview for target clients.

The DIC emphasized the significance of documentation and following all the ten-step CI processes in three A's approach of Continuous Improvement methodology.

The DIC also inquired the Principal about the SLAC implementation in Kinder to Grade 3 and Grade 4 to Grade 6. It was reported that both SLAC teams were already done with the SLAC activities for the month of June, 2015. 

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