Saturday, July 23, 2016

DIST Head: ISD is now 2nd to Talipao District

Dr. Joel A. Alamia, Head of the Division Instructional Supervision Team pronounced Indanan South District as 2nd to Talipao District led by DSLP Graduate District In-Charge, Totoh A. Habibun in terms of the existence of all DepED programs, thrust and mandates. He made the pronouncement before the big crowd of all personnel of ISD during the 1-Day Orientation for Teaching and Non-Teaching Personnel at GEM Multi-Purpose, Timbangan Elementary School, Timbangan, Indanan, Sulu last July 11, 2016.

The organizers of the 1-day orientation gave more priority to DIST presentation before the local presenters of guidelines on the administration of NAT for Grades 4, DRRMC and SPMS. The DIST was composed of Dr. Joel A. Alamia, former Principal of Kasambuhan Village Elementary School, Hji. Munap A. Ombra, former District In-Charge of Sibaud District and Nur-aina H. Jumah, former District In-Charge of Pata District. Only two of them spoke in behalf of DIST. It was Dr. Alamia and Hji. Ombra while Mrs. Jumah remained taking down notes. 

The first to grip the microphone was the former District In-Charge of Sibaud District. Al-haj focused on the teachers concerned. He underscored the content, assessment and pedagogy suggested in the K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum. Among those pedagogical approaches were constructivism, reflective teaching, inquiry-based, cooperative learning and other suggested approaches by the K to 12 Curriculum. Sir Munap was conversant with his topics. Most of the audience were in their ballpens and notebooks taking down notes while the former District In-Charge speaking clearly over the rostrum. Teacher and school head participants were reminded on their happy days in those days' training and workshops for the implementation of K to 12 when they heard Sir Munap.

PSDS Moore expected lectures from the three members of the DIST headed by Dr. Joel A. Alamia. He thought that the former District In-Charge of Pata District would be the next speaker after Sir Munap and it would be summarized by Dr. Joel A. Alamia. However, Ma'am Nur-aina H. Jumah shook her head when PSDS looked at her inwardly asking her to be the next lecturer.

Sir Joel rose from the presidential table and strolled towards the rostrum. He spoke longer than his team member but audience was so interested to listen. One of the topics discussed by Dr. Alamia was as follows:
  1. Pedagogical skill
  2. Evaluation skill
  3. Disciplinary skill
  4. Managerial skill
  5. Analytical skill

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