Thursday, June 18, 2015

MDRRMC and DDRRMC Plan for Immediate Actions

In the morning of June 11, 2015, the District In-Charge called a short meeting with all the members of the District Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council right after the strategic preparation for the incoming conduct of district post conference. Faisal A. Kadil, Head Teacher - III of Pasil Elementary School and Annexes is the Coordinator for DDRRMC as previously suggested by the Schools Division Superintendent. The brief meeting aimed to coordinate the Municipal Risk Reduction Management Council in connection with the encounter between the Philippine Army and the lawless group occurred in Tamban-Tamban, sitio of Barangay Bud Taran near Langpas Elementary School. The DDRRMC team expected residents of Barangay Langpas to evacuate to Barangay Poblacion in a sense that classes of Langpas Elementary School was disrupted before lunch time of the same day. The DIC advised Alyasir A. Hussam, TIC of Poblacion Elementary School and Annex to monitor the situation and prepared the classrooms for evacuees.

DDRRMC Coordinator and DIC met the Focal Person of MDRRMC, Hji. Iriles N. Ladjabassal and Jennasir Sali at the 7th day prayer celebration in Km. 2, Kajatian, Indanan, Sulu. After taking lunch, both team planned for the next day's move based on the information gathered in relation to the displacement of the residents of Barangay Langpas. DRRMC also met the two personnel of DSWD in the 7th Day Rituals where they share opinions how to monitor the populace affected by the conflict. 

As agreed by both team, they would see again in the District Office at seven o'clock in the morning of next day. Target area was Barangay Poblacion if the circumstances would get into worse. T-shirts or uniforms of the team were already decided with identified color and printing for the identity of the team members. Things to be monitored in the action of the team were as follows:
  • Situation of Barangay Langpas
  • Condition of the residents
  • Whereabout of the school children
  • Preparation of the classrooms designated for evacuation
  • Coordination with DSWD and local officials
Alhamdulillah, the situation in three barangays was so normal as reported by Alyasir A. Hussam to the DIC who was waiting in the District Office for his return from school in the afternoon. People of Barangay Langpas, Tumantangis, and Lambayong were as it was before the incident happened. Classes continued normally. On Monday, June 15, 2015, the DIC texted Hja. Nalda J. Muksan asking the situation of Langpas Elementary School. The school head replied that there were lots of pupils attending their respective classes. Though there were still government troops in the mountain, the situation was as normal as before. Thus, both MDRRMC and DDRRMC did not push through their plans. The DDRRMC; however; proceeded to Barangay Poblacion to personally assess the situation.

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