Saturday, February 20, 2021

ERF Scheme for Automatic Upgrading of Public School Teacher's Position

Detailed requirements shown in this blog post are based on the embedded posts below: and Every qualified public school teacher wanted to upgrade position shall follow those guidelines.

Alhamdulillah in ARMM however, it was more automatic than what it said in the post below.  I experienced it last year. RPSU personnel advised me to provide authenticated photocopy of appointment and service record. I did it then I personally got into the office of RPSU for submission the required documents for my position upgrading. That was last February, 2019. With much gratitude to Allah and the personnel there, it already reflected in my payroll.

ARMM enable to implement those guidelines when they were almost to end. Before, many teachers suffered from non-upgrading of their positions no matter how qualified they were. Most of the teacher 1 retired from the service without enjoying even step increment.

Nowadays, BARMM takeover. Let's hope they would do the same with ARMM in upgrading their personnel's position. Definitely, they would more than ARMM. They can move it on to the online transaction instead of going personally to the RPSU section.

2019 DepEd Equivalents Record Form (ERF) Requirements - TeacherPH

To facilitate the processing of requests for upgrading of positions of teacher and other teaching related positions thru the Equivalents Record Form (ERF), the following are the required documents. It has been observed that many teachers retire as Teacher I despite having served for 20 years or more.

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