Tuesday, January 30, 2018

DepED Releases New Guidelines on Enrollment

This has reference to downloadable DepED Order No. 03 s. 2018 dated January 26, 2019 signed by DepED Secretary Madam Leonor "Liling" Magtolis Briones. As viewer clicks the link, redirection to DepED Website is easy for everyone to reach the download page of said DepED Order.

Monday, January 29, 2018

Indanan South District is a Participant to ARMM Regional ICT Summit

At 3:20 PM, Supersam received mobile message from Mr. Abdurasul S. Sajili, DepED-Sulu Division ICT Coordinator and District Commissioner to ISD informing him about his presence in the forthcoming ARMM Regional ICT Summit. There were successive text messages rang PSDS More's Vivo 5s. The second message contained wrongly-spelled name of Melda I. Adug, Head Teacher III of Mukammali Elementay School. The Division ICT Coordinator demanded mobile reply from Supermoore signifying his confirmation to attend the said Regional ICT Summit.

First 3-Day Indanan South District Camporee: Revival of 1913 American Scouting in ISD

In the advent of two District Coordinators for Boys Scout, Alnasvier I. Abduljal, Teacher I of Bunot Elementary School and Girls Scout Coordinator, Hja. Sandra G. Hedisin, Teacher I of Panglima Indanan Central School, genuine annals of scouting came to light through the research of ISD Boys Scout Coordinator. Salip Bensal A. Buttongah, OIC Sulu Executive Council of Boys Scout of the Philippines narrated substantial details to Alnasvier how scouting started in Bay Puti' (White House) which is now the so-called Poblacion, the heart of Indanan Municipality.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Early Registration and LIS are Now Open Online

Be first to enroll your male-female enrollment online. This has reference to the text message passed to PSDS Moore tonight by Mrs. Suaiba M. Lakibul of the DepED-Sulu Division Planning Office. In same manner, Mrs. Suaiba has posted the hereunder photo in Facebook alerting all public elementary schools and secondary schools for the encoding of enrollment based on the on-going Early Registration.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Are Teachers Allowed to Do Deworming

The World Health Organization recommends that school-based deworming should be done by well oriented teachers. Teachers around the globe have been done this successfully. Teachers are allowed to perform if parents have signed the informed form. Teachers should be oriented by health personnel on the deworming procedure. The school nurse and the school principal should involve the community and the BHW to be present in the schoo during the deworming day

Please, follow this link to know more about the Manual for Teachers for the Essential Health Care.

Monday, January 15, 2018

HDAP Template Prepared by DRRMC

This is a blank HDAP Template formatted in MS Excel for Mukammali Elementary School and Langpas Elementary School to fill out all the necessary data therein. Sir Quiedong sent a screenshot of this template via chat message in Facebook.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

DepED Releases Various Guidelines for the Implementation of SPG and SSG since 2001

This blog presents the different guidelines, mandates and legal basis for the implementation of Supreme Pupil Government (SPG) for all public elementary schools and Supreme Student Government (SSG) for all public secondary schools. DepED was DECS at that time when DECS Order No. 37 s. 2001 dated August 02, 2001 was released signed by Isagani R. Cruz, Undersecretary of DECS.

MOOE - DepED Order No. 12 s. 2014

Prof. Albert M. Santoli Sponsors School Mass Feeding Program in 9 Schools of ISD

Pupils of Palan ES raising white bond paper written with their wholehearted
 thanks to Prof. Albert M. Santoli
Prof. Albert M. Santoli, President of Asia America Initiative, sponsored the School Mass Feeding Program for four days before and after the conduct of 3rd Quarter Examination in nine schools of Indanan South District such as Kasambuhan Village Elementary School, Pasil Elementary School, Cmdr. Bara Jalaidi Elementary School, Sapah Malawm Elementary School, Sapie Primary School, Palan Elementary School, Mukammali Elementary School, Langpas Elementary School and Panglima Misuari Primary School. The SMFP aimed to make pupils happy and motivated to take the 3rd Quarter Examination in their respective schools without bothering themselves from lunch in the school. Their examinations were from January 11-12, 2018. So, free lunch from AAI in partnership with the schools and parents began last January 10, 2018 and ended on January 13, 2018.

PSDS Moore Authorizes Alnasvier to Convene with All School Troop Leaders

Supermoore advised Alnasvier I. Abduljalil, District BSP Coordinator, Josefina S. Ajijul, District BSP/GSP Focal Person and District GSP Coordinator, Hja. Sandra G. Hedisin to convene with all the school troop leaders in the district office, Monday, January 15, 2018.

Council Memorandum No. 01 s. 2018: 54th Provincial Scout Jamboree

This Council Memorandum was sent by Salip Bensal A. Buttongah, OIC Scout Council Executive via chat message in Facebook to the personal account of Indanan South. There were already some copies of this council memorandum sent to ISD Office by the District BSP Coordinator, Alnasvier I. Abduljalil before the arrival of this the same memo.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

District Liaison Officer: MARJIN J. MADJIRUL

This official document acknowledges Marjin "Cmdr. H-man" J. Madjirul, as District Liaison Officer of the above-named district to the Office of the Schools Division Superintendent. He is Kindergarten teacher I of Cmdr. Bara Jalaidi Elementary School. He handles his classes in the morning and does his role as District Liaison Officer in the afternoon.

Communication Letter Requesting for the SDS' Approval

This is a request letter that shall be submitted to the Office of the Schools Division Superintendent for the conduct of the 3-Day Joint District BSP Jamboree and GSP Encampment in Timbangan Elementary School, Indanan, Sulu effective January 17-19, 2018.

FGD on Education Campaign for Back-to-Normal Classes in Mukammali and Langpas ES

This has reference to the meeting agreed among the BSP/GSP Focal Person, Coordinators and School Troop Leaders last December, 2017 in connection with the conduct of 1-Day Joint District BSP Jamboree and GSP Encampment.

Friday, January 12, 2018

District Planning Coordinator: ALNASVIER I. ABDULJALIL

This official document recognizes the designation of Alnasiver I. Abduljalil as District Planning Coordinator of Indanan South District. He is to replace Alyasir A. Hussam who is no longer appropriate to occupy the said designation in so far as his Teacher In-Charge (TIC) function is concerned.

3-Day Joint District BSP Jamboree and GSP Encampment

This is the second memorandum issued by the Public Schools District Supervisor for the month of January, 2018. This blog post contains matrix for the activities to be taken up during the 3-Day Joint District BSP Jamboree and GSP Encampment prepared by Josefina S. Ajijul, District BSP/GSP Focal Person, District BSP Coordinator, Alnasvier I. Abduljalil and District GSP Coordinator, Hja. Sandra G. Hedisin.

Mukammali ES Teaches Students, Parents and Teachers How to Cover Themselves from Gunfire

Last January 11, 2018, Mukammli Elementary School headed by Melda I. Adug conducted practicum for the students, parents and teachers how to cover themselves whenever gunfight again would happen in the nearby school like what they experienced last November 19, 2017 that made disruption of their classes until January 5, 2018.

First Day of Service Submitted by Mussah A. Arabain

This official document was district file of the First Day of Service of the newly-deployed teacher by RG Mujiv S. Hataman to Panglima Ahajan Elementary School last January 4, 2018. This was signed by the Head Teacher III of said school, Mussah A. Arabain and noted by Supermoore. Balma A. Mukarram reported to the Indanan South District Office where she was given briefing the Public Schools District Supervisor last January 8, 2018. She sent text messages to her immediate superior informing her about her readiness to report to her new assignment. Her immeditae superior replied to wait for the tamaraw in the district office in the morning of January 9, 2018.

District GSP Coordinator: Hja. Sandra G. Hedisin

This official document recognizes Hja. Sandra G. Hedisin as District GSP Coordinator of the Indanan South District after the official visit of Helen Hajan, GSP Council Executive of the Province of Sulu last September 15, 2017. Hja. Sandra G. Hedision is a 3-2 Plan teacher in Panglima Indanan Centarl School handling classes in the morning. Thus, Supersam requires her to be in the Indanan South District Office everyday from 2:00 - 4: 00 o'clock in the afternoon.

District BSP Coordinator: Alnasvier I. Abduljalil

This official document acknowledges ALNASVIER I. ABDULJALIL, Teacher I of Bunot Elementary School as District BSP Coordinator of Indanan South District. This acknowledgement expressed in the form of designation was made right after the official visit of Salip Bensal A. Buttongah, OIC Scout Council Executive to Indanan South District Office last July 15, 2017.

Focus on What is Working: AI

Appreciative inquiry is astrengths-based approach to change that has been used successfully in small andlarge change projects with hundreds of organizations worldwide. It is based on the simple idea that organizations move in the direction of what they ask questions about. For example, when groups study human problems and conflicts, they often find that both the number and severity of these problems grow.

In the same way, when groups study high human ideals and achievements, such as peak experiences, best practices, and noble accomplishments, these phenomena, too, tend to flourish. Thus, appreciative inquiry distinguishes itself from other change methodologies by deliberately asking positive questions to ignite constructive dialogue and inspired action within organizations.
Resulta ng larawan para sa Image of Appreciative Inquiry

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Resumption of Classes in Langpas ES Signifies Peace and Unity Among Parents and DRRMC

Last January 4, 2018, DRRMC led by Sir Esquierdo "Quiedong" Jumadain foresighted dim light for the resumption of classess in Langpas Elementary School in the same date with Mukammali Elementary School except actual conduct of FGD that would serve as data for assessment how continuous education services be provided with the students in the next processes. But to their suprise, parents' faces in front of the FGD shone with tears of joy seeing the DRRMC team's arrival in the abundant grassy ground of Langpas Elementary School.

PSDS to Ma'am Radzma: I will give you chances to decide until dawn break of Januray 12, 2018

Ma'am Radzma U. Abdulkadil, newly-deployed teacher to Bunot Elementary School arrived with her RS Honda motorcycle after almost an hour of mobile contact dialed by her immediate superior, Ma'am Jurmainna H. Hunding in the morning of January 11, 2018. She preferred to park her motorcycle outside near the office gate but PSDS Moore urged her to enter the garage. 

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Locate ISD Schools in Indanan Google Map

The 18 schools of Indanan South District are now visible in the Indanan Google Map. It begins with Indanan South District Office located in Km. 2, Kajatian, Indanan, Sulu. The office is very adjacent to the boundary between Indanan and Jolo Municipality. At about 4 kilometers away from Jolo, ISD schools apparently rise: 1. Kasambuhan Village Elementary School; 2. Panglima Mammah Elementary School; 3. Timbangan Elementary School; 4. Palan Elementary School; 5. Dayuan Elementary School; 6. Bunot Elementary School; 7. Lugmah Primary School; 8. Panglima Indanan Central School; 9. Poblacion Elementary School; 10. Mukammali Elementary School; 11. Langpas Elementary School; 12. Manilop Elementary School; 13. Panglima Ahajan Elementary School; 14. Cmdr. Bara Jalaidi Elementary School; 15. Panglima Misuari Primary School; 16. Pasil Elementary School; 17. Sapah Malawm Elementary School; and 18. Sapie Primary School.

Melda Adug: A new flag for our flag pole symbolizes new life, means more hopes for our school children

Wednesday, January 10, 2018 was the 3rd day of Mukammali Elementary School for their back-to-school campaign after series of activities undertaken just to find the passage how teachers and learners meet as before. It was the date when students were ready for the formal classes based on the K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum after initially conducted the 3-day physical practicum for the detection of school children's stress profound.

5 ISD School ICT Coordinators Appear in the First Batch of ICT Literacy Capacity Building Program

5 selected School ICT (Information Communication Technology) Coordinators from Indanan South District attended the 1st Batch ICT Literacy Capacity Building Program held at Notre Dame Review Center, Kasulutan Village, Patikul, Sulu from January 8-10, 2018. They were: 1. Jainab A. Nuron, Pasil Elementary School; 2. Shernalyn A. Alibbun, Mukammali Elementary School; 3. Alnasvier I. Abduljalil, Bunot Elementary School; 4. Ferwina M. Arasad, Palan Elementary School; and 5. Indira M. Dassan, Panglima Mammah Elementary School.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

PHOTO BLOG: Resumption of Classes in Mukammali ES

It's an Inhale-exhale Exercises performed by the school children of Mukammali Elementary School modeled by their teachers patterned after the 1-Day District Orientation on School Conflict Emergency Preparedness lectured by Sir Quiedong, DepED-Sulu Division DRRMC Coordinator. These photos were taken from the Facebook post of Melda I. Adug, Head Teacher III of said school.

Monday, January 8, 2018

Prof. Albert M. Santoli to PSDS Moore: Do two or three school experiment at ISD

In the evening of January 6, 2018, Prof. Albert M. Santoli, President of AAI chatted Supersam in Facebook messenger. Sir Moore added first Nur-aisha A. Gonzales, Principal of Kasambuhan Village Elementary School and Faisal A. Kadil, Head Teacher III of Pasil Elementary School. Then he asked the two school heads to reply Prof.

Early Registration Starts With January 27 to February 28, 2018

Image may contain: text

As traditionally observed, DepED mandates every public school to conduct Early Registration beginning January of the year. This post was embedded from the Facebook post of Rio DepED-ARMM. Early Registration was one of the key points discussed by Supermoore during his briefing at ISD Office this morning to the two newly-hired learning facilitators deployed by RG Mujiv S. Hataman to Panglima Ahajan ES and Bunot ES.

Mukammali ES Updates PSDS Moore About Their Reporting Today

Supersam's heart was with Mukammali Elementary and Langpas Elementary School teachers since last concerning their first resumption of classes today, January 8, 2017 after being disrupted since November 20, 2017. He was waiting for them in the ISD Office till in the afternoon. Unfortunately, the teachers of both schools arrived in the district office when PSDS Sam was in the coffee shop with his district liaison officer, utility worker and the school head of Sapie Primary School.

Supermoore Conducts Briefing for the 2 Newly-hired Teachers

The Public Schools District Supervisor conducted briefing for the two newly-hired teachers in the ISD Office this morning with the presence of school head teacher III of Bunot Elementary School. The two newly-hired learning facilitators were Radzma Uddin Abdulkadil deployed for Bunot Elementary School and Balma Albani Mukarram deployed for Panglima Ahajan Elementary School. 

Sunday, January 7, 2018

DRRMC Gives Certificate of Participation to Mukammali ES & Langpas ES

Tonight, Supermoore passed some text messages to Sir Quiedong to layout some pieces of Certificate of Participation that shall be issued to every participant attended the 1-Day District Orientation on School Conflict Emergency Preparedness held at Indanan South District Office last January 5, 2018.

"Ok, Sir Samoore, in sha Allah" Sir Quiedong responded

Supersam requested the issuance of Certificate of Participation for participant's utilization in the CPD (Continuing Professional Development) in the renewal of PRC license by June, 2018.

"It's up for me to print it out, Sir Quiedong" Sir Moore shouldered the expenses for the print out of certificate.

Who will sign the certificate? Of course, Sir Quiedong and DepED-Sulu Schools Division Superintendent, Dr. Tim J. Undain, FRIEdr. shall be the signatories. Distribution of said certificate may be done in the Indanan South District Office, Km. 2, Kajatian, Indanan, Sulu once it will be completely done by Sir Quiedong. The following school heads and teachers are reminded to submit their complete names together with their respective PTA officers who attended the orientation:

  1. Melda I. Adug
  2. Intan H. Jandul
  3. Aida P. Espilin
  4. Sherwina J. Muksan
  5. Nurhima A. Ibno
  6. Shernalyn A. Alibbun
  7. Embrayda N. Abdurasad
  8. Hja. Nalda J. Muksan
  9. Sapiya H. Ladjaanan
  10. Mussahwaldasa M. Mustafa
  11. Rakag A. Misuari
  12. Nur-ina M. Abubakar
  13. Sahaya M. Kastiri
  14. Sarhina S. Jawari
  15. Langpas PTA 
  16. Mukammali PTA

Prof. Albert M. Santoli is the Most Proximate Responder to Mukammali-Langpas ES Incident

When the armed conflict broke out in Mukammali Elementary School, Langpas, Indanan, Sulu that caused the death of one resident and four wounded last November 19, 2017, Prof. Albert M. Santoli, President of Asia America Initiative with established office in Washington, D.C., USA appeared as most proximate responder to the incident.

Unknown Mobile Message Asking the List & Names of ISD School Heads

At 12:02 PM today, Supersam's Vivo received mobile message from non-phonebook number asking the list and names of the school heads assigned in Indanan South District. He was late to open it in his Vivo 5. He did not hear the notification message that was why his response was sent at about 1:56 PM today.

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Is There Assurance of Personnel's Hazard Subsistence and Laundry Allowance Payment from DepED?

DepED Central Office sent two sets of request to the Office of DBM (Department of Budget and Management) for additional funds to cover personnel's deficiencies. It specifically refers to the payment of hazard fee and laundry allowance for teachers. The request of DepED seemed to be approved by the DBM but it remains as usual as what were stipulated in the old policy that can be gleaned under paragraph 1 of DepED Order No. 67 s. 2017 dated December 28, 2017.

FGD Warns Parents from Committing Violations in Mukammali Elementary School

It was almost lunch time when DRRMC Team left Langpas Elementary School to Mukammali Elementary School headed by melda I. Adug, Head Teacher III. The team was in a hurry expecting to catch up the time for them to hold FGD (Focused Group Discussion) with the parents and community members in Mukammali Elementary School. They did not take their pack lunch in Langpas Elementary School but they loaded it to the tamaraw vehicle proceeding to Muakammali ES where Melda I. Adug and her teachers were busy preparing for the FGD between the DRRMC team and the residents of Mukammali ES.

1-Day District Orientation on School Conflict Emergency Preparedness

Sir Quiedong and Sir Jimmy conducted 1-Day District Orientation on School Conflict Emergency Peparedness for Mukammali Elementary School and Langpas Elementary School teachers, school heads and PTA officers in the Indanan South District Office yesterday, January 5, 2018. It was agreed in the meeting with the ISD DRRMC team and school heads of both mentioned schools in preparation for their observance of classes in their respective schools beginning Monday, January 9, 2018.

Friday, January 5, 2018

DOLCH'S BASIC SIGHT WORDS are Ineffective for Pupils Learn to Read

DOLCH’S BASIC SIGHT WORDS are Ineffective for Pupils Learn to Read

Sir Fai called on me to see his laptop. I moved a little bit of distance to his side and began to glance at his gadget where many listed English words enumerated in MS Word.

“Are these appropriate for Grade 1 to Grade 3 learners?” Sir Fai questioned.

“You mean you’re conducting teaching remedial for reading?” PSDS asked. “Can you still remember our District Post Conference which was firstly conducted in DepED-Sulu Division Conference Hall?” Sir Moore added question. “One of the PowerPoint presentations there facilitated by Ma’am Sisang was “Learn-to-Read” and Read-to-Learn” Strategies.” Supersam clarified.

“If you think that Grade 1 to Grade 3 needs remedial teaching for reading recognition of English words, which is strategy is better, learn-to-read or read-to-learn?” Sir Moore asked.

“Learn-to-read is better” Sir Fai retorted.

“Absolutely, correct” Sir Sam agreed.

Beginning reading especially in Grade 1 level, presentation of listed words like DOLH’S BASIC SIGHT WORDS is so effective to make pupil learn to read any words. This kind of reading teaching remedial is similar to the memorization of the lyrics of a certain song wherein teacher reads first the word and the pupils repeat after the teacher. Yes, all the displayed words become easier for all learners to read because of repetition aids them all to commit all those words displayed into their memory. It is the form or the appearance of the word that leads them to read not the sound of every letter in a syllable.

“Are you sure they can all read if you present others words not belong to the list presented to them?” Sir Moore asked Sir Fai.

This is the reason why school head should assign teacher, in Grade 1 classes who is better enough in the recognition of sound of every letter. We should expect not all teachers can perfectly produce the correct sound of all alphabets. If there are, SLAC (School-based Learning Outcome) is the best strategy for them to develop themselves. It is also through SLAC a school determines certain teacher to be surely designated to handle Grade 1 learners.

ECARP (Every CHILD A READER PROGRAM) moved downward in the advent of K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum. Expectation on it is not true to all grade levels more particularly in English nomenclature in so far as entry of English subject in the third quarter is strictly concerned. It is by subject by grade level. For instance in Grade 1, every learner is expected a reader in L1 (Mother Tongue) at the end of the school year; Grade 2 learner is expected a reader in L2 (Filipino) at the end of school year; and Grade 3 learner is expected a reader in L3 (English) at the end of school year.
“Sir Fai, we can no longer expect non-reader in Grade 4 if we try to visualize the preceding statements” Sir Moore elucidated.

Therefore, Read-to-Learn Strategy is basically expected in Grade 4 classes. It is in this level where the teacher should aim to develop the comprehension level of every learner especially in reading. Enrichment of one’s vocabulary words particularly in English begins here. Especially in English subject, every pupil is expected to speak English fluently in this stage little by little.

Observe your Grade 6 students. Are they now fluent English speaker in a day-to-day conversation inside the classroom? He, he, he. . . Why? What made them fluent? What made them poor?

Classroom of Grade 4 to Grade 6 is not the atmospheric zone of English speaking. Teachers in English, Science and Mathematics dislike to use the language (English) as medium of instruction in their daily lessons. Are they following K to 12? Why are there many teachers complaining the utilization of Mother Tongue as medium of instruction in their daily lessons from Kindergarten to Grade 1? What curriculum are they following? BEC and RBEC still discouraged teachers to have more translation to vernacular while teaching English, Science and Math.

To ensure for the conduct of reading remedial classes, school should adopt CI (Continuous Improvement) methodology which is now integrated into ESIP (Enhanced School Improvement Plan). In CI approach, school is not permitted to directly provide solution for the existing problem unless root-cause analysis shall be applied. Accurate detection of the causes that widens Worm into Trojan shall be determined first or school will be tired of providing more remedies until it is abandoned and accepted normally.

School heads, please, do not blame your teachers. If you insist, you better blame yourselves for having insufficient outputs of your year-to-year ISP (Instructional Supervisory Plan).

District heads, district commissioners, division heads, please, never backbite teachers in any professional gathering. If you cannot hold your sinful tongue, you better review those monotonous outputs gathered by the district commissioners and district heads and then put side by side with Division Instructional Supervisory Plan.

Agency head, please have more time to convene with your down-level partners for assessment and evaluation of what you’ve defended before the House of Congress or House of Senate until DepED emerges as the possessor of the highest national budget.

Teachers, please, do not laugh. Never speak this speechlessly, “You’re now dying!”. If you are powerless to shut your lips, you better prepare lots of justifications, legal basis, photos, videos and updated da-to-day outputs of your responsibility and accountability over the outcomes and effects of the actions of your learners in the society.

2nd Incoming Newly-hired Learning Facilitator Arrives for Panglima Ahajan ES

I thought she was the newly-hired learning facilitator deployed for Bunot Elementary School when she humbly approached me for her new task that she would have been longing so long.

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Sir Quiedong to Sir Moore: Updated ko na SDS sambil Caretaker yadtu, OK daw

Ma'am Nur-ina M. Abubakar, Teacher I of Langpas Elementary School was designated as Caretaker of the school for and in the absence of the school principal, Hja. Nalda J. Muksan to lead the teachers of said school to be with the EiE Team to their school this morning, January 4, 2018. During FGD presided by Sir Quiedong, the School Caretaker stood before the parents from Barangay Taran, Barangay Kuppong, Barangay Tumantangis and Barangay Paligue, Indanan, Sulu responding the question when they would be reporting to Langpas Elementary School.

Newly-Hired Learning Facilitator is in Search of Bunot ES

She is Ms. Radzma Abdulkadil as she introduced herself to Faisal A. Kadil, Head Teacher III of Pasil Elementary School this evening. She was proud of her deployment order to Bunot Elementary School. She might be the outcome of the advent of RG (Regional Governor), Mujiv S. Hataman at DPWH Office, Jolo, Sulu today, January 4, 2017.

Sir Quiedong Presides the Most Successful FGD in Langpas ES

Sir Esquierdo "Quiedong" Jumadain, DepED-Sulu Division DRRMC Coordinator presided the most successful Focused Group Discussion with parents, residents, teachers, learners and community members of Barangay Langpas, Indanan, Sulu this morning, January 4, 2018, where Langpas Elementary School is located at about 15 kilometers away from Jolo proper. It was almost hundred of people who were in attendance. FGD was held inside the classroom of Grade 3 under Sahaya M. Kastiri.